A paradigm shift

Perio-Prostho Approach for predictable FP-1 rehabilitation

with Dr. Ramón Gómez Meda

by CDI

Earn 7 CE Credits

The goal is to explain the diagnosis and digital protocol along with the prosthetic and periodontal planification, in order to get ideal emergence profiles, avoiding the use of hybrid dentures if possible. We emphasize the importance of soft tissue grafts to get esthetic and stable results and the efficiency and predictability of the results thanks to the digital planning from the diagnosis to the treatment execution.

Learning objectives:

To comprehend the prosthodontic steps necessary for a good diagnosis and treatment plan. 

To learn how to implement soft tissue augmentation techniques in order to achieve stable long-term results.

To understand the basic and advanced digital workflow to obtain predictable results when rehabilitating full arches.

FP1 Program:

  • Digitally assisted full-mouth immediate implant supported rehabilitation with a mucogingival approach.

  •  Diagnosis and treatment planning. Softwares and digital planification.

  •  Guided surgery: when, why and how?

  •  Prosthodontic protocol: how to build the ideal temporary restoration. PMMA provisional and pontic management.

  • Periodontal protocol: mucogingival surgery in order to avoid a hybrid denture.

  • How to get the ideal emergence profile.